Title: Students participate "International Workshop on Quantitative Remote Sensing for Heterogeneous Land Surface"
Views: 4804 Date: 07/01/2016

       "International Workshop on Quantitative Remote Sensing for Heterogeneous Land Surface" wiill be held in Beijing by three research insitutions (Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques in Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing Normal University and Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 9-10 July 2016.

Chair of Section

Prof. Yan Guangjian will take the chair in section 3.

Session 3: Spatial and temporal scaling of remotely sensed land surface parameters (2016.7.09 16:10-17:20)

Oral Presentation

Li Linyuan will make an oral presentation named  "Accurate estimation of fractional vegetation cover at various flight altitudes using UAV-based digital photos”, which belongs to Section 4: Validation of remote sensing derived parameters of heterogeneous surface .   (2016.7.09 11:20-11:40)


“Fractional vegetation cover (FVC) estimation based on a linear mixture model” will be introduced by Dr. Song Wanjuan

"Validation and intercomparison of the newly updated MODIS C6 LAI/FPAR”  and "Consistency and improvements of the newly updated MODIS C6 LAI/FPAR“  will be introduced by Dr. Yan Kai

Official Website of IWQRSHLS 2016:http://iwqrshls.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1

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